Monday, 3 September 2007

Dow Crag

Date 1/9/07
Hoping to start with 3 tops today, Dow Crag then on to Brim fell and finally Coniston Old Man
Started walk at 11.15 after driving up and a scone and coffee in Coniston. Parked at bottom of Walna Scar road (should have driven up to the car park in hindsight!).
Rain started after 30mns and never stopped until we were nearly down.
1hr hour 15m gentle ascent to Walnar Scar pass. Head north east over Brown Pike (can't miss the path) then a lovely ridge walk over Buck pike and on to Dow Crag. Route finding no problem good path except on summit of Dow Crag which is very rocky (keep to the west). Thick mist all the way no views of the crags or over to the Old Man.
Descended to Goat's Hause now very wet and getting cold so decided to call it a day and descended passed Goats Water back to the Walna Scar road.
Total time for the walk 5 hrs (we are not fell runners!)


Looking down on a bright rainbow in a nearby fieldas we ascended from Coniston [forgot my Camera :-( ]
Goats water atmospherically appearing out of the mist as we descended
Parties taking part in a Coniston Challenge (Canoeing, cycling and climbing the Old Man in one day)

Overall rating Excellent despite the weather

Completed: 1 To Go: 213!

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