Monday, 13 June 2016

Burnbank, Blake Fell, Gavel Fell

The forecast was wet for all day which turned out to be very accurate. Parking at Maggies Bridge we followed the path to the lake and on entering Holme Wood  took the path heading left up through the wood climbing towards Holme Beck. On reaching the open fell a good path skirted Burnbank fell to a wall and style. This was where we left the path and headed up the fellside parallel but some way from the wall on our right following a clear path unmarked on the map. One the climbing was over it was an easy walk  along the broad  top to the summit, marked only by a fence corner.
The rain persisted, the ground boggy but always firm underfoot.
The rout now was simple, follow the fence south initially down then up on to Blake Fell and the continue following the fence on to Gavel Fell. However coming off Blake Fell we failed to realise the fence forked and we continued down the main path, now following the wrong fence, thankfully only for a few hundred metres before we realised out mistake. A quick retrace of our step s back to a style which we crossed and then continued onto Gavel Fell.
Still very misty at wet we elected to follow yet another fence down towards Whiteoak beck and then followed the main path back tot he car. Still very wet!

Time 4hrs 30mns

  • Very wet day
  • Fence to follow between each top
  • Slight navigation error

Grade Excellent

Completed 160   To go  54

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